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What can you do after your GCE A/L? your exam result does not define you as you as a person or predict your future After finishing the Advance Level examination you all have a big question. What should I do? Because it’s time to say goodbye to your school life and start a new career.   PLAN A if you are not that much sure about your result, if you have confidence that you can enter into a University it’s better to start learning English right now.  Because the majority of  universities conduct their degree program in the English language   PLAN B if you are not that much sure about your result, DON’T WAIT get ready for your A/L examination again because your  A/L results are the foundation for your higher education and for a good job   Alternative plans  Professional qualification Accounting and Management In Sri Lanka the most popular accounting courses are,   1.            Chartered Accounti...

What is a good reason to be a Female Police Officer ?

“Women power”, what you feel when hear this word? From child to adult women play various, important and priceless role in each and every society. Women are not limited character as tender, attractive and peerless love and affection, they also represent the power, doing, consecration and courage. 

Sri Lanka is a country which has governed by two woman leaders. Therefore, if you still think that the duty of woman’s duty is limited to house. It is wrong. At present she has come into various sector to provide their skills and abilities to serve their country or society.

In here we are going to analyze one of the important job which is done by women. This is about female police officer.

Sri Lanka Police is the civilian national police force of Sri Lanka. The police force has a manpower about 85000. The police force is responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic law, enhancing public safety, maintaining order and keeping the peace throughout the country. Currently the police service is under the Ministry of Defense and it has become an integral part of maintaining the national security. When comes to the history of female police force, the rank of woman police sub inspector was introduced in 1976.

Female police officers at different level, perform various tasks that are essential to maintain wellbeing of the society. Female police officers are recruited by evaluating their education qualification, physical strengths and other required criteria. However, they have to complete year training to appoint as a police officer. This training aims to provide enough physical strength, mental ability, education, weapon training and personality and stress management skills which are useful to perform task relating to their job. Both male and female have to complete same level of training.

This training is not easy one. A girl under her parents’ love, care and affection, has to face this challenge. Normally, girls love to wear beautiful, colorful clothes and shoes, wear winged eye liner and let their hair down. But they have to sacrifice all these her interests, even some food they like and convert their normal life into a strict schedule.   

After appoint as police officer, she has to play fulltime employment with lot of barriers. Female police officers are deployed for surveillance, the prevention and detecting of crimes, the prosecution of criminals, community policing and peacekeeping. Also they are specially deployed for informing community, deals with children and women based on their caregiving role.

However, this job is not easy job for women. Because of lack of facilities like changing rooms, proper washrooms and not providing quarters to proximity to the police stations, female police officers have to face lot of problems when doing night shifts. They have to work long hours that went beyond their shift.

Another most unique challenge is perform duty and being female is having children. Female officers have to bear more stress life style with their working life and family life.

Also there are lot of complaint about issues with promotions and the proximity is given to male officers. However it is pleasure to say that Sri Lanka saw its first female deputy inspector general (DIG) of police after a seven decade gap. She is WDIG Bimshani Jasin Arachchi.    

If the profession of female police officer, is not cake walk, it is essential profession for our country. They are also women crated with blood, bones and heart, like others. So, be kind and appreciate their strength, duty and scarification. They are for us.


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